Companies House Forms
Most of the more popular Limited Company forms are below. For a full list of all forms please visit the forms page on the Companies House website.
- AA01 [pdf] Change of accounting reference date
- AA02 [pdf]Dormant Company Accounts
- AD01 [pdf] Change of registered office address
- AD02 [pdf]Notification of single alternative inspection location (SAIL)
- AD03 [pdf]Change of location of the company records to the single alternative inspection location (SAIL)
- AD04 [pdf]Change of location of the company records to the registered office
- AP01 [pdf] Appointment of director
- AP02 [pdf] Appointment of corporate director
- AP03 [pdf] Appointment of secretary
- AP04 [pdf] Appointment of corporate secretary
- TM01 [pdf] Termination of appointment of director
- TM02 [pdf] Termination of appointment of secretary
- CH01 [pdf] Change of director's details
- CH02 [pdf] Change of corporate director's details
- CH03 [pdf] Change of secretary's details
- CH04 [pdf] Change of corporate secretary's details
- AR01Annual Return
- DS01 Striking off application by a company
- DS02 [pdf] Withdrawal of striking off application by a company
- IN01 Application to register a company
- MG01 Particulars of a mortgage or charge
- MG02 Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge
- MG04 Application for registration of a memorandum of satisfaction that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property
- MG06 Particulars of a charge subject to which property has been acquired
- NM01 [pdf]Notice of change of name by resolution
- Res CA2006 [pdf]Special resolution on change of name
- Written Res CA2006 [pdf]Written special resolution on change of name
- SH01 Return of allotment of shares
- Stock transfer form [pdf]
- Dividend Voucher [pdf]
- Dividend Board Minutes [pdf]
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